
I offer developmental editing services for creative writers to help them turn their work into the best version of itself.

A developmental edit focuses on your novel as a whole, namely plot, characters, and world-building. You will receive feedback in the form of an editorial report and if desired, in-text comments in your novel.

I won’t go in and make changes to your novel, but I will point out where things aren’t working, why that’s the case, and provide examples of how the issue can be addressed. The feedback will pose questions to consider as it relates to the story elements within your work. Being that the goal is to provide constructive and not prescriptive feedback, emphasis will always be on clients applying feedback in their unique voice as a writer.

Developmental editing will look for and help resolve issues such as:

  • Plot inconsistencies

  • Inconsistencies in world-building/story logic

  • Unclear character needs/wants and unclear character flaws

  • Scenes that lack emotion or impact

  • Character actions or motivations that don't feel believable or consistent

  • Plot twists that are too obvious

  • Scenes where you can add more detail or embellishments

  • Underutilized characters or devices you can use to drive your plot

  • Plot manifestation at a scene level

  • If your novel achieves what you want it to

  • Areas where your plot rushes or dawdles

Of course, I’ll also point out where things are working so you have a well-rounded view of where your novel is at. The editorial letter will focus on the areas highlighted above, and will be categorized into the following sections: Plot, character, world-building, voice, pacing and setting.

Not sure if we’d be a good match? A sample edit may be of interest to you.

Sample Edits

A sample edit looks at the first sections of your novel and highlights 1-2 key areas to work on in the form of a short editorial report. While I can't comment on big-picture issues while looking at a small snippet of your novel, a sample edit can help you understand my editing style and the kind of feedback I provide on a scene level.

Sample edits are a complimentary service I provide as I understand it’s important for you to choose an editor who understands you and your vision for your novel.

Does a developmental edit sound like something you’re interested in?

Whether you’re interested in a full developmental edit or a sample edit, you can reach out by filling out the contact form with the following info and we can set up a meeting to further discuss your book!

  • Name

  • Email

  • Book Genre

  • Estimated word count

  • Do you have a specific timeframe for when you'd like to have this edit completed? If so, when will you need the edits?
    Please provide a summary of your book's plot. If possible, include your protagonist's main goal, core need, and main flaws.